Thursday 17 February 2011


FINALLY have figured out the question that has been bugging me for months and have found a solution for sticking posts to earrings effectively - soldering. When my husband first suggested soldering, I wont lie, I had visions of me being in flashdance, welding away with huge sparks coming off my work. Alas, it's not that spectacular and actually involves buying a £10 soldering iron and getting said husband to sit and solder for me.

A boring post for some - but for me, it's a huge relief that I've found something that sticks well after the nightmare of last year when many many backs fell off and made me feel unprofessional.

On a more interesting note, I have just stitched a lovely little London skyline which will be used on a jewellery roll. And here it is! I'm aware that the landmarks are actually in the wrong order and the perspective leaves something to be desired, but I believe that's called artistic license.

Coming to a jewellery roll near you soon.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Who said blogging was easy?

I went into blogging - all those 2 weeks ago - with the hope of updating something like every other day. More fool me thinking I'd keep up with that! Perhaps I should set a slightly lower target.....
Anywhoo, I'm here now (well actually I'm typing this out on the tube)'and ready to rhumble!
A few quite exciting things have happened in crafty monster world in the past few weeks. First I've been on a real creative streak. Ive begun to create a series of seaside based motifs - trying to forget it is still only February. These include hot air balloons, suns and a really cute lighthouse

Complete with gulls and waves to put on a ring. I've also learnt that imagination is the only limit when working with 7 stitches square for earrings. New motifs include kites, backstitched rainbows, bows and ice creams. Of course, I know its no fun just talking about these and pictures would be preferrable, but bear with me - my full time job takes so much of my time that it's only really possible to do one thing at a time! Picture time at the weekend so expect lovely new things uploaded next week.
I'm hoping to launch these properly at the Crafty Fox pop up market in Brixton on 16th April. Although I can't say too much about that yet as i don't know if I'll be picked - will be finding this out early march so watch this space!