Monday 24 January 2011

My creative block

Rather irritatingly, I have recently 'stumbled' across a creative block. In December, times were so busy with getting orders out and making Christmas presents that the creativity was essentially put on hold as there was no time to think of new products and motifs. Christmas passed in a haze of turkey and chocolate and new year rolled around. Then....nothing. It took until the weekend just gone for me to get my ass in gear and actually think in a creative manner! And even then the thoughts came to one thing:


That was the extent of my creativity. In all fairness, I did make some GORGEOUS lighthouse earrings yesterday as an experiment that went rather well and for a full hour, I was proud of myself. But then I thought, that can't be it - 21 days off the crafting and I come out with lighthouses?

So the creative block seems to continue. Perhaps a holiday is in order.....

Friday 21 January 2011

Folksy Friday - cheese time

Aw my first ever blog! Well that's not entirely true, I did have a post on here but decided it was rubbish so deleted it.

So I thought for my first (ahem) post, I would do a bit of a Folksy Friday treasury about my favourite subject - cheese. I'm off for a cheese and wine evening tonight so thought it was very apt. Enjoy:

I love cheese card by AeFondKis....Scottish art and crafts

Mouse necklace by Winnie World Jewellery